"include path-to-conf-files" in 4.78.9

Jules Field MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Thu Aug 27 17:56:22 IST 2009

I have just published the work I did last night, as described below.
Please download 4.78.13 from the usual place.

All the scripts and files such as /etc/sysconfig/MailScanner will now 
read MailScanner.conf settings with support for included files.


On 27/08/2009 01:06, Jules Field wrote:
> On 26/08/2009 21:30, Mike Wallace wrote:
>> I hate to spoil your holiday but I tried 4.78.12 and still found some 
>> issues.
>> 1)    In my configuration I am using all of the default values in 
>> MailScanner.conf for these headers and %org-name% is not being inserted:
>> Information Header
>> ID Header
>> Spam Header
>> Envelope From Header
>> Don't know if this is true for all default Headers that don't get 
>> overridden.
> The %variables% are substituted when the conf files are read, ie. at 
> "compile time".
> Otherwise, to substitute them when the value is calculated, I would 
> have to know exactly where each variable was set and what value the 
> variables all had at that time.
> All I can suggest is an include line after the initial %var% setting 
> near the top of MailScanner.conf, which sets your values of the 
> %variables%. Then at the bottom you include your new local settings, 
> and so everything in the MailScanner.conf file (and all included 
> files) will inherit your values of them.
> Whenever I evaluate "MailScanner Header =" in MailScanner when it is 
> running, I cannot easily know exactly what %variables% were set to 
> what where the "MailScanner Header" was defined by you (as you 
> probably will have the default value + at least 1 over-ride for it). I 
> can only substitute all the %% stuff in when "MailScanner Header =" is 
> read in at the start.
> The other solution is, when you redefine a %% that is used by a whole 
> bunch of settings, you also redefine each of the settings that uses 
> it, so they all inherit *your* %% definition, and not mine.
> Sorry, but I cannot see any way around this.
>> 2)    I did not get "Spam Score Header" inserted even though "Spam 
>> Score = yes".
> Don't know about that one, but it may be related to (1).
>> 3)    In my include I have %report-dir% = 
>> /etc/MailScanner/reports/myreports, this is not being overridden I am 
>> getting the default reports.
> See (1).
>> 4)    Putting the MTA in an include file breaks 
>> /etc/sysconfig/MailScanner as it's extracting the MTA from 
>> /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf.
> I have written a new /usr/sbin/Quick.Peek script which is called from 
> all the places like /etc/sysconfig/MailScanner to search all the 
> included files correctly for your over-rides.
>> That's all I've found so far.
> All very much appreciated.
> Jules.
> P.S. Now I must go to bed, it's just gone 1 am ...
>> On Aug 26, 2009, at 5:57 PM, Jules Field wrote:
>>> Correction. Teensy bug removed, which you would hopefully not hit 
>>> anyway, but might if your main MailScanner.conf file is very old.
>>> Try 4.78.12.
>>> On 26/08/2009 22:19, Jules Field wrote:
>>>> Should be all fixed now. Sorry for the lousy testing on my part 
>>>> before I released 10.
>>>> 11 correctly picks up %org-name% and "Run As User" when set in an 
>>>> included file, no problems. So all the others should work correctly 
>>>> now too.
>>>> Please give 11 a try.
>>>> As for the website, it has definitely been updated, so I suspect 
>>>> your browser's caching it.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jules.
>>>> On 26/08/2009 21:49, Mike Wallace wrote:
>>>>> I found a couple of things
>>>>> 1) I like how MailScanner --lint shows what configuration files 
>>>>> were read and my configuration was read last.
>>>>> 2) Found a couple of parameters that are still not being imported 
>>>>> from my config:
>>>>>    %org-name% =
>>>>>    Run As User =
>>>>>    Run As Group =
>>>>> The org-name shows up when running --lint "ERROR: The 
>>>>> "envelope_sender_header" in your spam.assassin.prefs.conf is not 
>>>>> correct, it should match X-yoursite-MailScanner-From". In 78.9 the 
>>>>> message was "ERROR: The "envelope_sender_header" in your 
>>>>> spam.assassin.prefs.conf is not correct, it should match 
>>>>> X-mlrw_com-MailScanner-From".
>>>>> As for the Run As, when I do a ps I see that MailScanner is 
>>>>> running as root and not postfix.
>>>>> 3) One thing to help with debugging would be if you had a command 
>>>>> like postconf to display what configuration parameters are being 
>>>>> used. Or could you guide me on how to dump the configuration.
>>>>> 4) The link on the MailScanner website still shows 4.78.9 as the 
>>>>> current beta release.
>>>>> Thanks for the help.
>>>>> Mike
>>>>> On Aug 26, 2009, at 3:03 PM, Jules Field wrote:
>>>>>> Can you do me a big favour and give it a good try and report back 
>>>>>> if anything doesn't work?
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Jules.
>>>>>> On 26/08/2009 16:22, Mike Wallace wrote:
>>>>>>> Jules,
>>>>>>> Thanks, I'm glad you liked my suggestion.
>>>>>>> I didn't expect any updates until next week when you got back to 
>>>>>>> the UK.
>>>>>>> You are a gentleman and a scholar.
>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>> On Aug 26, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Jules Field wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 25/08/2009 18:36, Mike Wallace wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Jules,
>>>>>>>>> I hope you are enjoying or enjoyed (based on when you read 
>>>>>>>>> this) your well deserved vacation in the States.
>>>>>>>> "Enjoying" thanks :-)
>>>>>>>>> I have been playing with "include path-to-conf-files" in 
>>>>>>>>> 4.78.9 and found a couple of limitations that I want to verify.
>>>>>>>>> It seems that the following parameters are ignored when in the 
>>>>>>>>> include file:
>>>>>>>>> %org-name% =
>>>>>>>>> %org-long-name% =
>>>>>>>>> %web-site% =
>>>>>>>>> Run As User =
>>>>>>>>> Run As Group =
>>>>>>>>> MTA =
>>>>>>>>> Is this by design or a "feature"? Are their other parameters 
>>>>>>>>> that can't be in the include file?
>>>>>>>> Fixed.
>>>>>>>>> The reason I ask is that I am trying to put all of my site 
>>>>>>>>> specific configuration changes in the include file so that the 
>>>>>>>>> only thing I have to do to MailScanner.conf is add "include 
>>>>>>>>> /etc/MailScanner/config/mysite.conf".
>>>>>>>>> It would be awesome if you had "include 
>>>>>>>>> /etc/MailScanner/config/*.conf" in MailScanner.conf.  Then if 
>>>>>>>>> the directory or and/or any files in that directory did not 
>>>>>>>>> exist, they would be ignored. That way those who don't want to 
>>>>>>>>> use it can edit the configuration file like they always have.
>>>>>>>> Done. I've called it "/conf.d/" instead of your "/config/" as 
>>>>>>>> that is more standard these days.
>>>>>>>> There should be a little README file in that directory so it 
>>>>>>>> has something short to parse so the include line at the very 
>>>>>>>> end of MailScanner.conf won't whine that it couldn't find any 
>>>>>>>> files matching conf.d/*.
>>>>>>>> I have just released 4.78.10 for your pleasure :-)
>>>>>>>> Jules
>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>> Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
>>>>>>>> www.MailScanner.info
>>>>>>>> Buy the MailScanner book at www.MailScanner.info/store
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>>>>>> Jules
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
>>>>>> www.MailScanner.info
>>>>>> Buy the MailScanner book at www.MailScanner.info/store
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>>>> Jules
>>> Jules
>>> -- 
>>> Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
>>> www.MailScanner.info
>>> Buy the MailScanner book at www.MailScanner.info/store
>>> Need help customising MailScanner?
>>> Contact me!
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>>> PGP footprint: EE81 D763 3DB0 0BFD E1DC 7222 11F6 5947 1415 B654
>>> Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM and twitter.com/MailScanner
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>>> MailScanner mailing list
>>> mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info
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>>> Support MailScanner development - buy the book off the website!
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> Jules


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
Buy the MailScanner book at www.MailScanner.info/store

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