Spamassassin Syslog Functionality

Mike Wallace mike at
Mon Aug 3 19:00:18 IST 2009

The reason I ask is that I want to run sa-stats to figure out what sa  
rules are being used.

I'm not a Perl expert so I would prefer to not have to modify it to  
handle MailScanner's "Log Spam = yes"  details in maillog.

Or, is there an equivalent tool that will use the existing format?



On Jul 31, 2009, at 3:54 PM, Mike Wallace wrote:

> Is there anyway to have MailScanner generate Spamassassin syslog  
> output?
> I tried using the "Log Spam" setting in MailScanner but it logs to  
> maillog and not a separate log file that the Spamassassin log tools  
> use.
> Thanks.
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