Question about Spear.Phishing.Rules script

Julian Field MailScanner at
Mon Aug 3 12:06:55 IST 2009

On 03/08/2009 10:35, Ralph Bornefeld-Ettmann wrote:
> Jules Field schrieb:
>> On 02/08/2009 16:46, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>>> Jules Field wrote:
>>>> Wipe the cache (under /var/cache somewhere, it's in the script), 
>>>> and run
>>>> it again.
>>> I did that and it retrieved all the files
>>> through
>>> and rebuilt the cache,
>>> but I still get
>>> Failed to retrieve at ...
>>> Note that this file really doesn't exist. As I said, if I try to get it
>>> in a browser, I get a 404 - not found.
>> Interesting. If the script continues to get the files after this one, 
>> then I wouldn't worry about it too much, the .227 will probably reset 
>> to .1 tomorrow anyway! :-)
>>>> On 02/08/2009 15:27, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>>>>> I am running the Spear.Phishing.Rules.v2.04 script.
>>>>> Recently I noticed a message:
>>>>> Failed to retrieve at 
>>>>> ...
>>>>> in the script output. If I try to visit that URL with a browser, I 
>>>>> get
>>>>> a "not found". I noticed this once before; I think the URL may have
>>>>> been<>   (from my browser
>>>>> history), but I can't verify this as all the week 28 files seem to be
>>>>> gone now.
>>>>> My questions are:
>>>>> Is it normal for a file to be missing or does this indicate a 
>>>>> problem?
>>>>> If the other time really was emails.2009-28.227, is the 227 
>>>>> significant
>>>>> or a coincidence?
>> Jules
> It seems the .227 is the problem.
> As suggested in some answer above I am using a mirror for my systems.
> Starting with 2009-24 I found on my mirror :
> 24.1 - 24.252
> 25.1 - 25.236
> 26.1 - 26.254
> 27.1 - 27.183
> 28.1 - 28.242 -> no .227! (missing between 2009-07-19 04:21 and 07:11)
> 29.1 - 29.249 -> no .227! (missing between 2009-07-25 00:22 and 06:54)
> 30.1 - 30.237 -> no .227! (missing between 2009-08-02 08:22 and 09:43)
> When I did a wget on these files I received a 404 error.
Weird. I've changed it to restart every day instead of every week. 
Should avoid the problem.


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
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