Question about Spear.Phishing.Rules script

Mark Sapiro mark at
Sun Aug 2 15:27:39 IST 2009

I am running the Spear.Phishing.Rules.v2.04 script.

Recently I noticed a message:

Failed to retrieve at ...

in the script output. If I try to visit that URL with a browser, I get
a "not found". I noticed this once before; I think the URL may have
been <> (from my browser
history), but I can't verify this as all the week 28 files seem to be
gone now.

My questions are:

Is it normal for a file to be missing or does this indicate a problem?

If the other time really was emails.2009-28.227, is the 227 significant
or a coincidence?

Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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