
Jason Ede J.Ede at birchenallhowden.co.uk
Tue Apr 28 21:16:40 IST 2009

I'll try that tmw. There is nowhere else that the sig could be added is there?

Sent from my Windows Mobile® phone.

-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Field <MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Sent: 28 April 2009 20:47
To: MailScanner discussion <mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info>
Subject: Re: 4.76.22

On 28/04/2009 20:19, Jason Ede wrote:
> I've been testing the _SIGNATURE_ option here and it seems that it always adds the signature at the end as well as in the message at the signature tags. I'm using html sigs with an inline image. I've taken at look at what I think is the code in message.pm but it all looks correct to me :(
Yes, I have looked too, when someone else commented they were getting
the sig at the end too. But the code is incredibly simple and I can't
see anything wrong with it either.
FoundSigMark = 0
FoundSigMark = 1 if we successfully replace _SIGNATURE_ with the
signature text.
print signature text at end of message unless FoundSigMark is non-zero.
That's all there is to it.
> I don't need to change something in the config to stop it signing at the end as well?
If you could try adding some lines like
     print STDERR "FoundSigMark = $FoundSigMark\n";
lines into the code at suitable places, then run it on your system with
"MailScanner --debug" and see what it prints, that would really help me
debug it.

Many thanks.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info [mailto:mailscanner-
>> bounces at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf Of Julian Field
>> Sent: 28 April 2009 11:56
>> To: MailScanner discussion
>> Subject: 4.76.22
>> I have just released a new beta, this will be one of the last before
>> the
>> next stable release.
>> Please test it, as I have optimised the processing-messages database
>> code, and fixed one or two little bugs. The Change Log will tell you
>> all
>> the details.
>> Download as usual from www.mailscanner.info.


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
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