Found nn messages in the processing-messages database

Mark Sapiro mark at
Thu Apr 23 19:29:15 IST 2009

Julian Field wrote:
>On 23/04/2009 15:12, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 09:31:45AM +0100, Julian Field wrote:
>>> On 23/04/2009 02:57, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>>>> I have looked a bit more clusely at the messages that were left in the
>>>> database. and it is not only that the id is all-decimal; the entropy
>>>> fragment must also be all-decimal or contain only a single 'E', so in
>>>> every case, they are being interpred as a floating point number rather
>>>> than a string.
>>> Which is a Perl bug. Perl should carry them around as both a number and
>>> a string, and the final destination type is a string (that's the type of
>>> the field in the SQL query), so someone is squashing it to just a number
>>> before checking the destination type. That's either a bug in Perl or in
>>> the implementation of DBD::SQLite.
>>>> E.g., the latest list from running for a while with the
>>>>      $sth->execute("$id");
>>>> patch is
>>>> 74221690410.052E4
>>>> 36888690435.06105
>>>> 73061690441.05915
>>>> 15461690460.09210
>>>> all of which are valid floating point number representations. If you
>>>> look at the lists in the messages I previously posted such as at
>>>> <>,
>>>> you will see that those too are all decimal to the left of the period
>>>> and all decimal or contain at most one 'E' to the right of the period
>>>> so they are all valid floating point number representations, and were
>>>> apparently treated as floating point numbers when passed to the
>>>> statement handler method with perl-DBD-SQLite-1.21, but apparently not
>>>> with the prior perl-DBD-SQLite-1.13.
>>> Well diagnosed, sir  :-)
>>> So an alternative solution would be to put a "P" (for Postfix, but is
>>> arbitrary) on the front of the message id.
>>> Would you like me to do that, or just live with the slight inefficiency
>>> in the database deletion?
>> I had an idea, and I am trying
>>      $sth->execute("\'$id\'");
>That shouldn't work, as you are trying to delete the message id, not the 
>message id with quotes around it.

You are correct. That doesn't work at all.

I then tried installing MailScanner 4.76.17-1, but that seems to have
some other problem in that it is not picking up new messages from
Postfix at all. Postfix receives messages and puts them in the Hold
queue, and they just stay there. MailScanner doesn't pick them up and
doesn't log anything.

So I have reverted to 4.76.15-1 with the additional replacement of



  $MailScanner::ProcDBH->do("DELETE FROM processing WHERE (id='$id')");

Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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