Found nn messages in the processing-messages database

Julian Field MailScanner at
Tue Apr 21 21:44:02 IST 2009

On 21/4/09 21:11, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 06:58:30PM +0100, Julian Field wrote:
>> Please also try MailScanner 4.76.15 and let me know how you get on. I
>> have neatened up the code quite a bit.
>> Jules.
>> On 21/4/09 18:04, Julian Field wrote:
>>> In /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/, around line 1243, you
>>> will find a line that says
>>> next if $message->{abandoned};
>>> Please try commenting out that line by putting a '#' at the start of it.
>>> Then restart MailScanner, and let me know if that solves the problem.
>>> Thanks for your patience in helping me resolve this issue!
> I installed 4.76.15. Am I also supposed to comment the above line in
> 4.76.15 or was that just for 4.76.14? I did not comment the line, and
> I am still seeing messages left in the database.
It was just for .14. I am really running out of ideas here. There is no 
way the thing would fail unless the DELETE was failing.
If it doesn't manage to find the complete message, it doesn't add it to 
the database. I made extra doubly sure of that in .15, so I really can't 
see how it is getting left in there. If it was doubly added to the 
database, it would still get deleted, unless the delete itself was 
failing. I wonder if the DBI parameter substitution is handling the 
parameter string incorrectly if it's all decimal digits, thinking it's a 
number and not a string?

Here's a patch for 4.76.15 for you to try that will test this hypothesis.

---    2009-04-21 21:33:37.000000000 +0100
+++    2009-04-21 21:35:03.000000000 +0100
@@ -1259,7 +1259,8 @@

    foreach $id (keys %gotridof) {
      next unless $id;
-    $sth->execute($id);
+    #$sth->execute($id);
+    $MailScanner::ProcDBH->do("DELETE FROM processing WHERE (id='$id')");


As you can see, it's a simple one-liner. Please let me know if it makes 
any difference.


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
Buy the MailScanner book at

MailScanner customisation, or any advanced system administration help?
Contact me at Jules at Jules.FM

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