Patch to to fix IPv6 address parsing

Patrick Vande Walle patrick at
Mon Apr 20 10:16:03 IST 2009

On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 09:26:48 +0100, Julian Field
<MailScanner at> wrote:

>> -      } elsif ($recdata =~ /^Received: .+\[([\dabcdef.:]+)\]/i) {
>> +# Linux adds "IPv6:" on the front of the IPv6 address, so remove it
>> +    if ($recdata =~ /^Received: .+\[(?:IPv6:)?([\dabcdef.:]+)\]/i) {
>>           unless ($read1strcvd) {
>>             $ipfromheader = $1;
> Are you sure you meant $1 and not $2 here?
>>             $read1strcvd = 1;
> Jules

I did not change that part of the code. It is consistent with the code in and earlier code in, too. 
I tested with $2 and it returns nothing. So yes, $1 is OK. 

Patrick Vande Walle

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