Found nn messages in the processing-messages database

Julian Field MailScanner at
Mon Apr 20 10:08:05 IST 2009

On 20/04/2009 09:48, Glenn Steen wrote:
> 2009/4/20 Julian Field<MailScanner at>:
>> On 20/04/2009 08:31, Julian Field wrote:
>>> On 17/4/09 16:16, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
>>>> Julian Field wrote on Fri, 17 Apr 2009 15:49:25 +0100:
>>>>> Very likely. I don't know what that line means, but it doesn't sound
>>>>> good does it?
>>>> This seems to be normal operation. As at the same time the refreshing of
>>>> the MS children happened I wonder if it wasn't triggered by MS?
>>>> Anyway, (and without too much knowledge about how the processing of the
>>>> queue in MS really works) I think the reason is that this message got
>>>> saved to the processing db before MS refreshed itself and when MS
>>>> processed it a second time it had a different MS id, so it didn't get
>>>> removed.
>>>> So, the problem must be somewhere in the way that the message is kept in
>>>> the queue and not in the db code. I see that the message got indeed
>>>> archived with both ids, that seems to be done before any other
>>>> scanning/processing by MS, that makes sense. Then MS closed down. Do you
>>>> keep it in incoming? With the full MS id? The message then must have been
>>>> there either as B48BFF9477.51697 and MS renames it or it must have
>>>> already
>>>> been renamed to B48BFF9477.D962D (and this didn't get logged so we can't
>>>> see it) and thus not found in the db.
>>>> A simple cure to stop this might be to stop adding the extra stamp. What
>>>> about an option? At least for my systems that seems to be safe. It might
>>>> not be safe for other systems, that's why it should be an option.
>>>> And as the whole thing doesn't indicate any problem, anyway, maybe clean
>>>> up old entries by yourself and add something to clean it manually (--
>>>> processing=clean)?
>>> I want to keep the extra number on the end, as it is certainly needed on
>>> some systems to identify messages. But what I am thinking is to not put the
>>> extra number in the processing database, as messages should normally enter
>>> and exit that database very quickly.
>>> That would be easy to implement, I'll try to get it done today.
>> I'm going to use a very quick and easy checksum on the start of the file.
>> I'm certainly not going to cksum or MD5 it, that's *way* slower than I need.
>> Jules
> And only for the processing DB, right?
No, for everything with Postfix. It will just mean a change in algorithm 
to produce the 5-digit key, no change in logging, data stored or 
anything else.


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
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PGP footprint: EE81 D763 3DB0 0BFD E1DC 7222 11F6 5947 1415 B654

This message has been scanned for viruses and
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