HELO_LOCALHOST and SpamAssassin?

Bjørn T Johansen btj at havleik.no
Tue Apr 14 21:24:50 IST 2009

On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 21:58:22 +0200
Alex Broens <ms-list at alexb.ch> wrote:

> On 4/14/2009 9:52 PM, Scott Silva wrote:
> > on 4-14-2009 12:42 PM Bjørn T Johansen spake the following:
> >> On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 20:05:49 +0100
> >> Julian Field <MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
> >>
> >>> On 14/4/09 19:35, Bj�rn T Johansen wrote:
> >>>> How can I disable this check in SpamAssassin? All the mail from my webmail server gets a score of 4,75 from this test, which means; it's almost
> >>>> marked as spam just for this....
> >>>>    
> >>> To disable any SpamAssassin test in MailScanner, you should normally 
> >>> just have to set
> >>> in /etc/MailScanner/spam.assasssin.prefs.conf and restart MailScanner.
> >>>
> >>> Jules
> >>>
> >> ok, so I have added the following rule..:
> >>
> >> score HELO_LOCALHOST 0.0
> >>
> >>
> >> but the mail is still scored 4.5 from rule HELO_LOCALHOST  ?
> >>
> >>
> >> BTJ
> > Did you reload?
> just wondering if its wiser to disable that rule or to fix whatever is 
> HELOing as localhost and make it HELO with a FQDN, as it should.
> (HELO localhost could also trigger some filter downstream.....)

That may well be... But as far as I can see, I did fix that but for some reason it still triggers this rule...
So I just thought I could disable this rule until I get time to look at this more closely...


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