MailScanner, CentOS 5 and perl-IO & perl-File-Temp

Scott Silva ssilva at
Fri Apr 3 23:58:18 IST 2009

on 4-3-2009 2:31 PM Kai Schaetzl spake the following:
> Craig White wrote on Fri, 03 Apr 2009 08:39:11 -0700:
>> There has to be a better way than this...this is no way to run a
>> railroad.
> Don't install the perl modules in the mailscanner package, you don't need 
> them. The reason for this error is that the MIME-Tools package you 
> installed wants these two rpm packages. The MIME-tools package is not 
> correctly packed for Red Hat/CentOS systems as it requires packages that 
> are part of the installed perl on them (and probably most other 
> distributions, this require should get removed).
> Kai
MailScanner complains if perl-IO isn't installed to the proper version. I just
ran across that on my test system.

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