Multiple confusions on my part.

Steve Campbell campbell at
Fri Sep 26 21:35:14 IST 2008

Scott Silva wrote:
> on 9-26-2008 9:21 AM Steve Campbell spake the following:
>> Thanks Martin and Julian;
>> I'm still seeing the DNSBL-A, junk in the debug output, but I can 
>> keep digging for that.
>> I never knew where all those DNSBL checks came from, so that was a 
>> big help Martin.
>> The new init script seem to work. I tried stopping, starting, 
>> reloading and anything else I could think of and the only problem I 
>> found was that when I did a stop, my phone rang! :-)
> We all get that darn telephone ringing bug (feature?). I also get it 
> when I *don't* run MailScanner stop.
I have a problem going on where one person is getting too much spam, and 
the person sitting beside them argues for more. An easy fix, though. But 
then the next week, the same two argue for the exact opposite.

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