Multiple confusions on my part.

Steve Campbell campbell at
Fri Sep 26 17:21:59 IST 2008

Thanks Martin and Julian;

I'm still seeing the DNSBL-A, junk in the debug output, but I can keep 
digging for that.

I never knew where all those DNSBL checks came from, so that was a big 
help Martin.

The new init script seem to work. I tried stopping, starting, reloading 
and anything else I could think of and the only problem I found was that 
when I did a stop, my phone rang! :-)

So thanks every one for the help.


Julian Field wrote:
> Try the attached replacement for
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/MailScanner.
> You will obviously need to unzip it first! :-)
> Jules.
> Julian Field wrote:
>> Steve Campbell wrote:
>>> I've started seeing multiple timeouts with Spamassassin, and posted 
>>> earlier about this. I got some good advice, and tried running some 
>>> of the recommendations.
>>> Some of the problems I'm seeing :
>>> When I run MailScanner --debug --debug-sa
>>> I get some of the following errors that I can't figure out
>>> 08:59:37 [31687] dbg: async: starting: DNSBL-TXT, 
>>> (timeout 15.0s, min 3.0s)
>>> 08:59:37 [31687] dbg: async: starting: DNSBL-A, 
>>> (timeout 15.0s, min 3.0s)
>>> I can't seem to find where to turn these off or zero the score.
>> In /etc/MailScanner/spamassassin.prefs.conf, add these lines
>> score DNS_FROM_AHBL_RHSBL 0.0
>>> I also see in the output the following:
>>> 08:59:39 /usr/local/bin/clamscan: unrecognized option 
>>> `--unrar=/usr/bin/unrar'
>>> 08:59:39 ERROR: Unknown option passed.
>>> 08:59:39 ERROR: Can't parse the command line
>>> I have commented out the relevant lines in 
>>> /usr/lib/MailScanner/clamav-wrapper but still get the errors as 
>>> though they are still there.
>> You need the latest beta to work with ClamAV 0.94. You would be far 
>> better off upgrading to using clamd instead, it is a *whole* lot 
>> faster. But be sure to configure clamd to talk to freshclam properly, 
>> or else clamd will never know it needs to re-read its virus 
>> signatures. That's all in clamd.conf.
>>> Also, when I run "/etc/rc.d/init.d/MailScanner reload", I get the 
>>> following warning/error
>>> Reloading MailScanner workers:
>>>         MailScanner:       kill -2544: No such process
>>>                                                           [  OK  ]
>>> When I run "/etc/rc.d/init.d/MailScanner status", I get the 
>>> following warning/error
>>> Checking MailScanner daemons:
>>>         MailScanner:                                      [  OK  ]
>>>         incoming sendmail: head: /var/run/ No such 
>>> file or directory
>> That should have been created by "service MailScanner start" (or 
>> "/etc/rc.d/init.d/MailScanner start"). You're quite right, it isn't. 
>> sendmail should have created it. I'll tweak the init.d script so that 
>> it doesn't care. This is a pretty harmless error, even so. Just 
>> ignore it for now.
>>>                                                           [FAILED]
>>>         outgoing sendmail:                                [  OK  ]
>>> There is indeed no such file, but there is a
>>> Plenty of problems, and I'm sure these old eyes just aren't seeing 
>>> the fix.
>>> Any help would be greatfully appreciated.
>>> Steve Campbell
>> Jules
> Jules

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