MailScanner Losing it's Efficiency

Scott Silva ssilva at
Thu Sep 25 18:07:42 IST 2008

on 9-25-2008 10:00 AM Daniel Straka spake the following:
> I'm running MailScanner v4.54.6 with SpamAssassin v3.1.3 and over the last couple of weeks a lot of spam is coming through that is quite spammy in nature. So it seems that MailScanner is no longer very effective at spam detection. The number of messages that make it into user mailboxes has gone from ~4000 to ~6000 per day without an overall increase in mail received at the mx servers. What could cause a decrease in the effectiveness of spam detection? Any tips (details please) on keeping MS and SA optimized at spam detection? 
> Is it possible the spammers have a bunch of new relays that aren't in the RBL's yet? Or are the spamcop or spamhaus RBL's having issues?
> Thanks,
Or maybe you are using a 3 year old version of MailScanner and a 2 year old 
version of spamassassin?
You must be on Debian.
MailScanner has a very active development cycle and so does spamassassin.

You should try current versions of the software before you complain about how 
it works.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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