R: Spamassassin Timeout issue.

Kevin Miller Kevin_Miller at ci.juneau.ak.us
Wed Sep 10 19:35:10 IST 2008

Chris Sweeney wrote:

> I've tried OpenDNS quite a few times and although its good and it is
> fast it has never beat going local in my test enough to increase my
> traffic going out/in from the internet.

Absolutely - whether one resolves via the root servers, or opendns, a
local caching server is a must.  The question is just to what does it
point.  A caching server still has to get it's data from somewhere.  I
can't think of any good reason not to be running a caching server
though*, since named is included on pretty much any disto and djb may be
as well...

*well, unless you're using a PII w/64 mb of ram :-)
Kevin Miller                Registered Linux User No: 307357
CBJ MIS Dept.               Network Systems Admin., Mail Admin.
155 South Seward Street     ph: (907) 586-0242
Juneau, Alaska 99801        fax: (907 586-4500

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