need help..ClamAV 0.94 and MailScanner 4.69.9

Hoger Nöfer holger-lists at
Thu Sep 4 07:26:23 IST 2008

Yashodhan Barve schrieb:
> Hi All,
> I am facing an issue with MailScanner 4.69.9 and ClamAV 0.94.
> I am using ClamAV rpm's and when I update to 0.94,
> MailScanner --lint gives the following errors
> Virus and Content Scanning: Starting
> /usr/bin/clamscan: unrecognized option `--unrar=/usr/bin/unrar'
> ERROR: Unknown option passed.
> ERROR: Can't parse the command line
> I tried to comment out all the ExtraOptions from
> /usr/lib/MailScanner/clamav-wrapper
> but the error still persists and clamav won't scan any messages.
> Is there a way to fix this without upgrading the MailScanner version?
> regards,
> yashodhan


have a look at /opt/MailScanner/lib/MailScanner/, I
comment out the
following lines:
    if ($rarcmd && -x $rarcmd) {
      $Scanners{clamav}->{CommonOptions} .= " --unrar=$rarcmd";
      MailScanner::Log::InfoLog("ClamAV scanner using unrar command %s",

Best regards,

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