QFM/DFM buildup

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Thu Oct 30 18:52:17 GMT 2008

on 10-30-2008 11:31 AM Christian Campbell spake the following:
> I am running MailScanner 4.67.6 with Sendmail.  My /var/spool/mqueue.in
> has a significant number of qfm files with no corresponding dfm files. 
> Can I safely delete those?  Also, why do those qfm files stick around? 
> Is a solution to keeping this from happening?
I usually have the opposite. DFM files without matching QFM.

Something like this in cron;

# clean up orphaned df* files in mqueue.in older than 1 day
# no known cause for these files yet.

/etc/init.d/MailScanner stop

sleep 5

file=`find $dir -mtime +1`
for i in ${file}
    do m=`basename ${i}`
    if [ ! -e "${dir}/qf${j}" ]; then
        mv ${i} /var/tmp/
#df -hl

/etc/init.d/MailScanner start

exit 0

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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