messages being reprocessed

Jethro R Binks jethro.binks at
Fri Oct 24 16:34:35 IST 2008

On Fri, 24 Oct 2008, Paul Houselander \(SME\) wrote:

> Started noticing today my was growing and my "Found xxx 
> messages waiting" is growing and growing.
> I look in and the message it says it just processed is still 
> in there and gets picked up again.
> It's not all messages as plenty are being delivered but I can't seem to 
> determine any pattern?

I have seen this from time to time over the years, not for while, but as 
it happens I have been dealing with it over the last day or so.  There are 
a few circumstances that can cause it to happen, but it is often some "bad 
message" that either MS or SA or your AV solution doesn't like causing 
timeouts or crashes or whatever ... anyway batch processing never 
completes, and MS goes over it again and again ...

Anyway, in my case it was messages from "deverecollection at" over 
the last couple of days, so as a quick check see if you have any of those 
in your mail queue, and if you do, remove them.

If it's not that specific one, then take a look at the batch of messages 
that keeps getting checked by MS, you'll probably find one or more of them 
are wacko in some sense.  The deverecollection has some bonkers HTML stuff 
in it, for example (I haven't done an exhaustive test to find out why 
MS/whatever doesn't like it).


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jethro R Binks
Computing Officer, IT Services
University Of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

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