OT Shared Imap folders/accounts

Steve Campbell campbell at cnpapers.com
Fri Oct 10 16:56:12 IST 2008

Richard Frovarp wrote:
> Steve Campbell wrote:
>> I was a little surprised that there is a real difference in how IMAP 
>> clients handle these system user accounts. As I said earlier, I use 
>> Horde/Imp as a webmail application, and it accesses these POP 
>> accounts just fine in an IMAP-type web page.Imp does use a database, 
>> but not so much for the normal IMAP-related db functions as for it's 
>> own functions. There is a similar set of applications that I saw for 
>> cyrus which mimics the addressbook and so forth.
> Yeah, but do you have Horde/Imp configured to use POP or IMAP? You can 
> make each one behave somewhat like the other, at least from the 
> perspective from the end user. Just because it looks like IMAP, 
> doesn't mean it is going to behave like IMAP. We run Imp as well, 
> configured to use IMAP, just like SquirrelMail.

They're configured to use IMAP protocol.

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