log files double rotate happening

Lists lists at rheel.co.nz
Sun Nov 30 23:06:16 GMT 2008

Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Lists wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have set up in logrotate.conf the following (intent is to compress the
>> maillog files weekly)
> I feel that his question would be better asked at a mailinglist where
> logrotate authors may dwell.
> While it has an impact on the files generated by MailScanner it is in
> fact not a MailScanner problem and another list may serve your better in
> your quest for a solution.
> Hugo.

Thanks Hugo - will try another list. Just thought to ask here first as 
it is the build in maillog rotation that I want to disable I think.

> - --
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