Big drop in SPAM volume?

Scott Silva ssilva at
Fri Nov 21 22:21:43 GMT 2008

on 11-21-2008 4:50 AM John Clancy spake the following:
> Thanks Phil,
> I remember reading about the shutdown of McColo but I'm amazed that
> shutting down just one would generate a 60 odd per cent drop in the
> volume of SPAM coming in:-)
> If only it was as simple as shutting down a few others and curing the
> whole SPAM problem.
> Of course it's only a matter of time before the ****ards find another
> route :-(
It was estimated in one article that the McColo shutdown stranded around half
a million bot infected machines. Without command and control the bots just sit
I'm sure the next big bot infection will have a backup system in place.

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