Big drop in SPAM volume?

John Clancy john.clancy at
Fri Nov 21 10:38:28 GMT 2008


Is anybody else seeing a big drop off in SPAM volume over the last week or 
so? or is it just me?

I run the email server for a small company (approx 7,500 emails per day at 
peak) and I've been seeing big reductions in incoming SPAM volumes over the 
last 10 days.

The following is taken from the Mailwatch "Total Messages by Date" report

Date     SPAM         %
17/10     1,218         58.0%
18/10     844             79.7%
19/10     858             76.5%
20/10     1,688         66.0%
21/10     2,163         68.2%
22/10     2,372         74.4%
23/10     6,621         87.5%
24/10     2,162         71.3%
25/10     1,231         82.7%
26/10     966             79.2%
27/10     1,296         75.4%
28/10     1,733         66.2%
29/10     1,635         63.2%
30/10     3,443         78.6%
31/10     1,335         60.0%
01/11     1,260         84.3%
02/11     1,183         85.4%
03/11     1,417         64.4%
04/11     1,494         62.4%
05/11     1,159         60.5%
06/11     1,238         60.6%
07/11     1,009         52.6%
08/11     788             68.7%
09/11     678             75.3%
10/11     1,259         59.9%
11/11     1,213         56.4%
12/11     428             36.1%
13/11     363             28.7%
14/11     343             32.3%
15/11     327             57.7%
16/11     301             57.8%
17/11     448             33.5%
18/11     490             36.5%
19/11     422             34.1%
20/11     387             35.1%


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