Message rules don't work, but if message forwarded, it does???

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Nov 19 20:05:12 GMT 2008

> I agree that this timing issue is probably the cause for some of these.
> However there are many of these for one of my users almost every day. I
> have her forwarding them to me right after she gets them and they are
> blocked. 
> Scott mentioned running MailScanner --lint, MailScanner --debug
> --debug-sa
> I did this and I don't see any errors. I can see the URI_OB_SURBL rule
> (for example) run and successfully score the message. Is it possible
> that this is timing out sometimes? I have not seen a timeout but I am
> grasping at straws at this point to figure out why the URL in the
> message seems to be ignored the first time, then 5 min later when the
> message is forwarded back to me (Going through the same MailScanner
> server), it gets caught?
> Thanks,
> Chris
Is the server natted? Does it have a real public IP address or is it port
forwarded from another server?

Can you follow the chain of the headers back on both a missed message and
after it has been forwarded to you?

I am still leaning toward this being some sort of trust path issue in
spamassassin, although it could be a net timeout. The lookup might time out
just before the result comes back, and on the resend the lookup is in the
local cache and hits. Have you tried setting your spammassassin timeouts longer?

Do you have any full examples of a missed message, and one that hits right
afterwards? Either full queue files or complete RFC 822 (2822) messages.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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