Do not scan outgoing messages for spam

Kit Wong Kit at
Fri May 23 09:14:39 IST 2008

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 3:27 AM, Devin Henderson <devin.lists at>
> Hi all. Im running the latest version of MailScanner on top of
> sendmail and SpamAssassin on CentOS 5.1. I want to avoid scanning any
> outgoing messages for spam because some of my users' outgoing mail is
> being marked as spam. How can I accomplish this?
> Also, I would like to recommend a new feature for future versions of
> MailScanner where scanning of outgoing and incoming messages can be
> enabled or disabled. i.e.:
> Scan Outgoing Messages = No
> Scan Incoming Messages = Yes

Those options are not necessary, just make a simple ruleset with the
ip:s of your own servers.

I would agree with Devin. I have been trying to do this also. The only
way I have been told is to manually add ip addresses into
spam.whitelist.rules file and content.scanning.rules file.
I have clients that have ever changing ip addresses so it is very
annoying going through the logs and adding them in everyday.

I would very much like that feature. May be somehow importing the pop
before smtp db file's ip address list?


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