Locktype: posix vs. flock

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Thu May 22 22:26:38 IST 2008

on 5-22-2008 1:35 PM Henry Kwan spake the following:
> Hi,
> I've been experimenting with MailScanner and either sendmail or postfix as the
> MTA.  I notice that MailScanner uses "flock" locktype with postfix and "posix"
> with sendmail.  I also saw in the spam.assassin.prefs.conf file that it said
> that "flock", while non-NFS-safe, was more efficient.
> Should I tell MailScanner to use "flock" instead of "posix" with sendmail since
> I don't have any NFS mounted volumes?
> I'm running sendmail-8.13.8-2.
> Thanks.
It is usually flock up to 8.12, posix after that.

It is not a NFS issue, but the fact that sendmail at/after 8.13 usually 
doesn't have flock compiled in.
The simple method is this. Run this command;
sendmail -d0.1 -d0.4 -bt </dev/null |grep FLOCK
if you get a result, sendmail has flock support, if not then use posix.

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You hope everybody uses it, and
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