Will Watermarking Stop Backscatter?

Hugo van der Kooij hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org
Tue May 13 17:39:39 IST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Tom G. Christensen wrote:
| Koopmann, Jan-Peter wrote:
|> To answer Daniel's original question: Yes, watermarking should stop most
|> (if not all) backscatter that is out there. There are commercial
|> programs out there as well (e.g. BarricadeMX) that use a very nifty
|> E-Mail watermarking system as well. Give them a try. It is worth it.
| Stupid question perhaps, but how will it handle this case:
| example.com enables watermarking using MailScanner
| userA has emailaddress userA at example.com
| On his homepc he configures his mail program to use userA at example.com as
| the From adress.
| When he sends mail from home he uses his ISP smarthost and not the
| mailsystem at example.com
| What happens when mail sent this way is bounced somewhere on the way?

It will be dumped. The problem is that you shouldn't allow people to do
this to begin with. People may think it is not flexible but it is that
darn "I don't care if is wrong just do it"mentality that is allow so
much spam.


- --
hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org               http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/
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	A: Yes.
	>Q: Are you sure?
	>>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
	>>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Bored? Click on http://spamornot.org/ and rate those images.

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