clamav module woes

Scott Silva ssilva at
Thu Mar 27 18:50:21 GMT 2008

on 3-27-2008 3:22 AM Carmichael, Alistair spake the following:
> Hey Guys,
> I’ve ran into a problem with one of our mailscanner servers after doing 
> our regular pagkage update via yum – this included amongst other updates 
> clamav.
> Since running the updates mailscanner hasn’t been scanning and the 
> following message appears in maillog and when running MailScanner –debug:
> ClamAV Perl module not found, did you install it?
> I’ve tried re-installing clamav in it’s entirety from the tar.gz on the 
> mailscanner website download page and I’ve also tried reinstalling just 
> the perl module both via rpm respository and cpan.
You can't install clam from both an rpm and Julian's package as they use 
different paths. Pick one and stick with it.
Also get the perl module from the same place. If you use rpm's get the module 
from rpmforge also. Don't install from CPAN on an rpm system, you will 
eventually break something. Use something like cpanflute or cpan2rpm to make 
rpms of modules you can't find anywhere else.
> Incase it was one of the other updates which broke the system a full 
> list of the updated packages since we started having this problem is:
> Mar 25 10:13:25 Updated: krb5-libs.i386 1.3.4-54.el4_6.1
> Mar 25 10:13:26 Updated: perl-Archive-Tar.noarch 1.38-1.el4.rf
> Mar 25 10:13:26 Updated: cups-libs.i386 1:1.1.22-0.rc1.9.20.2.el4_6.5
> Mar 25 10:13:26 Updated: perl-IO-Zlib.noarch 1.09-1.el4.rf
> Mar 25 10:13:28 Updated: spamassassin.i386 3.2.4-1.el4.rf
> Mar 25 10:13:28 Updated: perl-Archive-Zip.noarch 1.23-1.el4.rf
> Mar 25 10:13:29 Updated: openldap.i386 2.2.13-8.el4_6.4
> Mar 25 10:13:30 Updated: clamav-db.i386 0.92.1-1.el4.rf
> Mar 25 10:13:46 Installed: kernel-smp.i686 2.6.9-67.0.7.EL
> Mar 25 10:13:57 Installed: kernel.i686 2.6.9-67.0.7.EL
> Mar 25 10:13:57 Updated: perl-Convert-BER.noarch 1.3101-1.el4.rf
> Mar 25 10:14:00 Updated: tzdata.noarch 2007k-2.el4
> Mar 25 10:14:02 Updated: cups.i386 1:1.1.22-0.rc1.9.20.2.el4_6.5
> Mar 25 10:14:02 Updated: multitail.i386 5.2.1-1.el4.rf
> Mar 25 10:14:03 Updated: nagios-plugins.i386 1.4.11-1.el4.rf
> Mar 25 10:14:03 Updated: gd.i386 2.0.28-5.4E.el4_6.1
> Mar 25 10:14:03 Updated: krb5-workstation.i386 1.3.4-54.el4_6.1
> Mar 25 10:14:04 Updated: clamav.i386 0.92.1-1.el4.rf
> Mar 25 10:14:04 Updated: perl-Socket6.i386 0.20-1.el4.rf
> Mar 27 08:34:09 Installed: perl-IO-Compress-Base.noarch 2.008-1.el4.rf
> Mar 27 08:34:09 Installed: perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib.i386 2.008-1.el4.rf
> Mar 27 08:34:09 Installed: perl-IO-Compress-Zlib.noarch 2.008-1.el4.rf
> Mar 27 08:41:13 Updated: perl-Compress-Zlib.noarch 2.008-1.el4.rf
> [root at mailscanner2 log]# MailScanner -debug
> In Debugging mode, not forking...
> ClamAV Perl module not found, did you install it? at 
> /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/ line 487
> [root at mailscanner2 log]# which perl
> /usr/bin/perl
> I’m running centos 4.4 with linux kernel version 2.6.9-55.ELsmp
Since you updated, you really should reboot to use the new kernel that you 
just downloaded.
> We have 2 other identical servers running mailscanner both working fine 
> currently the only difference being is that they haven’t yet had the 
> above updates applied.
> If anyone knows what could be causing the problem or needs any further 
> info please let me know, I’ve tried to use this as a last resort having 
> exhausted google / most of the hairs on my head any help would be much 
> appreciated!

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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