Email filtering by attachments

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Mar 12 19:02:53 GMT 2008

on 3-12-2008 10:15 AM Kevin Miller spake the following:
> Julian Field wrote:
>>> What happens if it doesn't match - auto deny?
>> If the rule doesn't match, I believe it is permitted. It's in the docs
>> somewhere.
> Hmmm.  How hard would it be to have a ruleset there, or syntax something
> the options for what to do with mail (deliver, forward, store, etc.)
> like with Spam Actions or Non-Spam Actions?
> I can envision cases where I might want to allow specific filetypes for
> some, but not the general users...
> ...Kevin
Something like this?

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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