quick question: Does "is.definitely.spam.rules" yield SA training?

Furnish, Trever G TGFurnish at herffjones.com
Fri Mar 7 16:04:22 GMT 2008

If a message is marked as spam thanks to being caught by an "Is
Definitely Spam" rule, does that message get passed to spamassassin for
training Bayes?
I found a source of spam that still uses a static IP address and doesn't
send out enough that processing it is a problem, so rather than block it
at the MTA I thought, "Let them train the system..."
But then I thought about it a bit more and began to wonder whether
MailScanner even runs SA on mail you've categorized that way.
Trever Furnish, tgfurnish at herffjones.com
Herff Jones, Inc. Unix / Network Administrator
Phone: 317.612.3519
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Unix.
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