Health update

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Jun 25 23:33:07 IST 2008

on 6-25-2008 7:39 AM Peter Peters spake the following:
> Glenn Steen wrote on 13-6-2008 23:20:
>> Same here... Well. Haven't donated any organs (yet), and some of them
>> are really shoddy... But I do carry my donor card with me at all
>> times... Who knows when time is up?!
> My girlfriend does not feel to good about the idea of them cutting into
> me after I am dead. I am still trying to convince her.

What is she going to do? Have you freeze-dried and prop you up in the corner?

Tell her that it is a way for a part of you to live on after your gone.

> At the meantime I donate blood every 3 to 4 months and will start
> donating blood plasm in a short while.

I had to stop for a while as my blood pressure is too high for their liking, 
but not high enough for the doctor to put me on meds. But here is my donor 
card, and since I will most likely be cremated, my wife doesn't have a problem 
with it.
> And Julian, I wish you the best of luck.

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