Spam attack....

Ronny T. Lampert telecaadmin at
Mon Jun 23 10:08:37 IST 2008


>>> then they get processed quickly.  This almost seems to be a DNS-type 
>>> problem with RBL lookups or something.

you should investigate this more closely; a *lot* of problems I 
currently see stem from DNS problems:
slow, unreliable forwarders, or even downright wrong DNS servers, too 
small caches etc.

You might want to draw a DNS architecture diagram and check each hop for 
bottlenecks and/or wrong configuration. If you're on win DNS-wise I can 
point you to the corresponding debugging tools from the resource kit.

nscd also somehow seems to break down sometimes, so I also do a restart 
every 7200 secs:

paranoia                yes
restart-interval        7200


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