Upgrade of MailScanner

Julian Field MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Jun 18 17:57:46 IST 2008

Can you put that somewhere prominent in the wiki please?

How about we try to script some of this and I provide it in the 

Martin.Hepworth wrote:
> Slight variation..
> 1. login to the mailscanner computer and download the latest version of the software
> 2 .extract the archive with tar zxf MailScanner-install-<version>.tar.gz
> 3 cd to the directory extracted and su to root
> 4 run the installer which will put the files onto /opt/MailScanner-<version> an d install ant perl modules requires with ./install.sh
> 5 cd to the newly created directory in /opt and copy the rule files etc over from the running system:
> 6 cd /opt/MailScanner-<version>
> 7 cd ../lib/MailScanner/CustomFunctions
> 8 cp /opt/MailScanner/lib/MailScanner/CustomFunctions/MailWatch.pm .
> 9 cd ../../../etc/rules
> 10 cp /opt/MailScanner/etc/rules/*.rules .
> 11 cd ../reports/en
> 12 cp /opt/MailScanner/etc/reports/en/inline.sig.* .
> 13 cd ../../
> 14 cp /opt/MailScanner/etc/spam.assassin.prefs.conf .
> 15 finally merge in the existing settings file with the new one using the following:
> 16 ../bin/upgrade_MailScanner_conf /opt/MailScanner/etc/MailScanner.conf ./MailScanner.conf > MailScanner.new
> 17 mv MailScanner.conf MailScanner.old
> 18 mv MailScanner.new MailScanner.conf
> The last stage is to run the new version rather than the old:
> 19 cd /opt
> 20 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/MailScanner.sh stop (or whatever you use to stop)
> 21 rm MailScanner
> 22 ln -s MailScanner-<newversion> MailScanner
> 23 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/MailScanner.sh start
> Steps 19-23 are the only time when you need to stop MS, therefore downtime is pretty minimal
> Backout if things go wrong is easy - redo 19-23 using the oldversion of MS rather than new version.
> --
> Martin Hepworth
> Snr Systems Administrator
> Solid State Logic
> Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info
>> [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf
>> Of Craig Retief
>> Sent: 18 June 2008 11:07
>> To: MailScanner discussion
>> Subject: Re: Upgrade of MailScanner
>> On Wed, 2008-06-18 at 11:02 +0200, Velda Midanovic wrote:
>> 	I have a following combination : RH4, MailScanner
>> 4.58.9, ClamAV, SmapAssassin, all working very well together.
>> 	The problem is that I get quite some backscatter on
>> some of my users, and since watermarking may solve at least
>> some of my problems, I plant to use it.
>> 	Alas!!!
>> 	My version of MailScanner does not support watermarking....
>> 	So I should upgrade. BUT I installed all from TAR
>> packages. So how do I do it?
>> What I usually do is the following after downloading the
>> tarball to your server:
>> 1.    disable the check_mailscanner command in crontab with #
>> 2.    move the softlink in /opt like this :
>>         [root at host]# mv /opt/MailScanner /opt/MailScanner_4.58.9
>> 3.    unpack Jules's TAR package
>> 4.    Run the install.sh script
>> 5.    change directory to /opt/MailScanner/etc and run the
>> following command:
>>         [root at host]# ../bin/upgrade_MailScanner_conf
>> /opt/MailScanner_4.58.9/etc/MailScanner.conf
>> /opt/MailScanner/etc/MailScanner.conf > MailScanner.new
>>         [root at host]# vi MailScanner.new (here I check that
>> all the settings are still correct and see what new toys
>> Jules added to the mix)
>>         [root at host]# mv MailScanner.conf MailScanner.old
>>         [root at host]# mv MailScanner.new MailScanner.conf
>> 6.    change directory to reports/en and run the following command:
>>         [root at host]# ../../../bin/upgrade_languages_conf
>> /opt/MailScanner_4.58.9/etc/reports/en/languages.conf
>> /opt/MailScanner/etc/reports/en/languages.conf > languages.new
>>         [root at host]# mv languages.conf languages.old
>>         [root at host]# mv languages.new languages.conf
>>         [root at host]# cp
>> /opt/MailScanner_4.58.9/etc/reports/en/*.txt . (note the dot)
>>         [root at host]# cp
>> /opt/MailScanner_4.58.9/etc/reports/en/*.html . (note the
>> dot) 7. If using MailWatch, copy the SQLBlackWhiteList.pm and
>> MailWatch.pm files to the new install like this:
>>         [root at host]# cd
>> /opt/MailScanner/lib/MailScanner/CustomFunctions/
>>         [root at host]# cp
>> /opt/MailScanner_4.58.9/lib/MailScanner/CustomFunctions/SQLBl
>> ackWhiteList.pm
>> /opt/MailScanner_4.58.9/lib/MailScanner/CustomFunctions/Mail
>> Watch.pm . (note the dot)
>> 8.   That shoudl be about all, then you can run the follwing
>> command and monitor the log file for any errors:
>>     [root at host]# /opt/MailScanner/bin/check_mailscanner; tail
>> -f /var/log/maillog 9. Re-enable the cronjob if all went well
>> If I missed a step someone might like to point it out.
>> Cheers
>> Craig
>> 	Here is my output of #MailScanner –v :
>> 	This is MailScanner version 4.58.9
>> 	Module versions are:
>> 	1.00    AnyDBM_File
>> 	1.16    Archive::Zip
>> 	1.03    Carp
>> 	1.119   Convert::BinHex
>> 	1.00    DirHandle
>> 	1.05    Fcntl
>> 	2.73    File::Basename
>> 	2.08    File::Copy
>> 	2.01    FileHandle
>> 	1.06    File::Path
>> 	0.14    File::Temp
>> 	0.90    Filesys::Df
>> 	1.35    HTML::Entities
>> 	3.54    HTML::Parser
>> 	2.37    HTML::TokeParser
>> 	1.21    IO
>> 	1.10    IO::File
>> 	1.123   IO::Pipe
>> 	1.71    Mail::Header
>> 	3.05    MIME::Base64
>> 	5.420   MIME::Decoder
>> 	5.420   MIME::Decoder::UU
>> 	5.420   MIME::Head
>> 	5.420   MIME::Parser
>> 	3.03    MIME::QuotedPrint
>> 	5.420   MIME::Tools
>> 	0.10    Net::CIDR
>> 	1.08    POSIX
>> 	1.77    Socket
>> 	1.4     Sys::Hostname::Long
>> 	0.18    Sys::Syslog
>> 	1.86    Time::HiRes
>> 	1.02    Time::localtime
>> 	Optional module versions are:
>> 	0.17    Convert::TNEF
>> 	1.814   DB_File
>> 	1.12    DBD::SQLite
>> 	1.50    DBI
>> 	1.15    Digest
>> 	1.01    Digest::HMAC
>> 	2.36    Digest::MD5
>> 	2.10    Digest::SHA1
>> 	0.44    Inline
>> 	missing Mail::ClamAV
>> 	3.001008        Mail::SpamAssassin
>> 	1.999001        Mail::SPF::Query
>> 	0.20    Net::CIDR::Lite
>> 	1.24    Net::IP
>> 	0.57    Net::DNS
>> 	0.31    Net::LDAP
>> 	1.94    Parse::RecDescent
>> 	missing SAVI
>> 	2.56    Test::Harness
>> 	0.47    Test::Simple
>> 	1.95    Text::Balanced
>> 	1.35    URI
>> 	Pllease help.
>> 	Velda
>> 	--
>> 	This message has been scanned for viruses and
>> 	dangerous content by MailScanner
>> <http://www.mailscanner.info/> , and is
>> 	believed to be clean.
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
Buy the MailScanner book at www.MailScanner.info/store

MailScanner customisation, or any advanced system administration help?
Contact me at Jules at Jules.FM

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