SV: SV: SV: mailscanner dont process email at all

Meurlin Robert Robert.Meurlin at
Wed Jun 18 14:26:17 IST 2008

root      3432  0.0  0.8  66852 35056 ?        Ss   15:09   0:00 MailScanner: master waiting for children, sleeping

root      3433  100  1.4  94092 57864 ?        R    15:09   2:36 MailScanner: starting children

If I start MailScanner with sendmail , it will just hang as seen. Can it be something with clam?

MailScanner --lint configtest doesn't give anything. Iam running this on Suse Enterprise 64 bit and it was installed trough rpm packages.

Is there any command to start mailscanner med något trace option?


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: mailscanner-bounces at [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] För Glenn Steen
Skickat: den 17 juni 2008 11:39
Till: MailScanner discussion
Ämne: Re: SV: SV: mailscanner dont process email at all

2008/6/17 Meurlin Robert <Robert.Meurlin at>:
> Yes I manually flushed almost every email in the queue (had 6000 before now there is about 140) so that worked.
> Is the last option to reinstall mailscanner? All points to that is the problem.
Hej Robert,

You mention configtest ... Is this a command? What is it supposed to
do for you? Is this running on cPanel or similar? How did you do the
install? What version of OS/distro are you using?
The more details the better answers:-).

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se
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