Updating an adopted installation from 4.54

Jay R. Ashworth jra at baylink.com
Tue Jun 17 17:50:33 IST 2008

On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 05:26:11PM +0100, Julian Field wrote:
> There's no such thing. MailScanner is written in Perl so it's compiled 
> when you run it. There is no "compiled" version of MailScanner. The RPM 
> installations use /usr/lib/MailScanner and /etc/MailScanner so as to 
> follow the Linux standards. The "Other Unix" installation uses /opt by 
> default as that is usually the best place to put self-contained packages.

By habit, I tend to put large application systems not delivered with
the OS in /appl, where my first major DBMS liked to live (which was
mostly a mount-point/free-space issue originally).

(On OSs without package managers, that is.)

FWIW, though, my personal opinion is that such packages ought to live
in monolithic directories, possible with one additional subdir of /etc
for config (if that doesn't live in $PACKDIR/etc), because it makes
easier precisely the task I'm on now: installing and testing a new
version manually before rolling it out.  SA on this machine, for
instance, is all over creation, which means I can't practically upgrade
it without a tape backup of the whole machine which I can't make right
now, because I won't have a backout procedure.

It's not the packagers responsibility to save me from myself, there,
certainly, but they *could* have chosen an approach -- as you have --
that makes that less painful.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                   Baylink                      jra at baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com                     '87 e24
St Petersburg FL USA      http://photo.imageinc.us             +1 727 647 1274

	     Those who cast the vote decide nothing.
	     Those who count the vote decide everything.
	       -- (Joseph Stalin)

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