Updating an adopted installation from 4.54

Jay R. Ashworth jra at baylink.com
Mon Jun 16 20:25:08 IST 2008

On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 10:49:36AM -0800, Kevin Miller wrote:
> Welcome to MailScanner - almost as much fun as Rivendell!

Everyone's Following Me!!! :-)

> Upgrading is pretty easy, assuming the previous admin didn't do anything
> goofy.  The nickle overview is essentially:
> 1)	Stop running MailScanner daemons
> 2)	Install the newest version of MailScanner.  I use the ones for
> SUSE - not sure what distro you're running on.  Pretty much just a
> matter of going to the directory where I unpacked the tarball and
> running install.sh (I think that's the name of the script - it's very
> obvious at any rate).

I meant to say: Slack 10.2.  It's in /opt/MailScanner.version with a
symlink to it from /opt/MailScanner.

> 3)	Follow the directions at the end of the process - a ton of stuff
> will scroll by during the install.  The last thing it tells you is to
> run the Upgrade_MailScanner script.  If you run it w/o args, it will
> print out several command lines.  Just copy/paste each to the CLI a step
> at a time and you'll be golden.  The upgrade script looks at the old
> MailScanner.conf compares it to the new one with shiney new options, and
> merges the two so that all your non-default settings and site specific
> entries are automatically merged.  Julian makes life very easy for his
> users.

Bless him.

> 4)	Restart MailScanner and 'tail -f' the mail log to make sure
> things are flowing as expected.

Wow, there's a lot of stuff in my maillogs... 

> Note that MailScanner isn't really catching spam - it's more a traffic
> cop to facilitate the coordidnated use of multiple other tools, such as
> spamassassin, antivirus scanners, RBLs, etc.  As such, I'd look at your
> version of spamassassin and upgrade it too.  It's probably out of date,
> given that your MailScanner is.  I'll bet you're also running ClamAV.
> Julian makes a nice one stop shopping install of spamassassin and clamav
> that makes upgrading painless.  It'll set up the MailScanner specifics
> in the approprite spamassassin conf files for you.

I saw something about that.  I'm strongly considering just building a
new dedicated machine (this one is shared) and forklift-upgrading...
would I need to bring training databases along for that?

> FWIW, I run multiple MailScanner gateways on different subnets.  That
> way mail keeps flowing even when one is being upgraded or otherwise off
> line.  If you've got a spare box around it may be a good use for it...

It's a thought...

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                   Baylink                      jra at baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com                     '87 e24
St Petersburg FL USA      http://photo.imageinc.us             +1 727 647 1274

	     Those who cast the vote decide nothing.
	     Those who count the vote decide everything.
	       -- (Joseph Stalin)

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