FW: ANNOUNCE: Apache SpamAssassin 3.2.5 available

Martin.Hepworth martinh at solidstatelogic.com
Thu Jun 12 14:26:40 IST 2008

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jm at jmason.org [mailto:jm at jmason.org] On Behalf Of Justin Mason
> Sent: 12 June 2008 14:24
> To: users at SpamAssassin.apache.org;
> dev at SpamAssassin.apache.org; announce at SpamAssassin.apache.org
> Subject: ANNOUNCE: Apache SpamAssassin 3.2.5 available
> Apache SpamAssassin 3.2.5 is now available!  This is a
> maintenance release of the 3.2.x branch.
> Downloads are available from:
>   http://spamassassin.apache.org/downloads.cgi
> The release file will also be available via CPAN in the near future.
>   md5sum of archive files:
>   695f9107b240383e48df8938f2de334e  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.2.5.tar.bz2
>   7fdc1651d0371c4a7f95ac9ae6f828a6  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.2.5.tar.gz
>   663fe705e608e16fee280f7539ab9382  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.2.5.zip
>   sha1sum of archive files:
>   32b701ffc68f7975eded107c456b902bc710d8b2
> Mail-SpamAssassin-3.2.5.tar.bz2
>   14b1f6eae0221a152176f7f597f55581445e800a
> Mail-SpamAssassin-3.2.5.tar.gz
>   b333acfdaf2289e37f72f1f1a18449645ee532d0
> Mail-SpamAssassin-3.2.5.zip
> The release files also have a .asc file accompanying them.
> The file serves as an external GPG signature for the given
> release file.  The signing key is available via the
> wwwkeys.pgp.net key server, as well as at:
> http://spamassassin.apache.org/released/GPG-SIGNING-KEY
> The key information is:
> pub 1024D/265FA05B 2003-06-09 SpamAssassin Signing Key
> <release at spamassassin.org>
>     Key fingerprint = 26C9 00A4 6DD4 0CD5 AD24  F6D7 DEE0
> 1987 265F A05B
> 3.2.5 is a minor bug-fix release.  Summary of changes:
> - bug 5775: newer gpg versions require keys to be
> cross-certified (backsig).  Did a cross-verify on our
> sa-update public key and re-exported.  (If you are already
> seeing "GPG validation failed" errors from sa-update, see
> http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/SaUpdateKeyNotCrossCertified .)
> - bug 5899: add perl version string to the storage area for
> compiled rulesets, to avoid crashes when perl is upgraded
> between major versions (e.g perl 5.8.x to 5.10.0) and the ABI breaks
> - bug 5496, bug 5910: clear some FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK false
> positives, particularly on the new-format Message-ID
> generated by the Outlook Express version used in Windows XP
> service pack 3
> - bug 5730: when using Postgres >= 8.1.0 with Bayes, this
> error occurs: 'WARNING:  nonstandard use of \ in a string
> literal at character'.  fix, thanks to Tomasz Ostrowski
> - bug 5769: fix 'sa-compile: eval failed: Can't find label
> NO' error, caused  in rare circumstances when sa-compile
> attempted to deal with rules written using 'replace_rules' features
> - bug 5858: fix circular reference memory leak caused by some messages
> - bug 5815: update 2TLD list to include .rs CCTLD
> - bug 4706: remove HG_HORMOME rules due to poor performance
> - bug 5835: typo in POD docs for SPF plugin; thanks to Benny
> Pedersen for fix
> - bug 5839: a missing or failed eval rule function could
> mistakenly count as a rule hit, fixed
> - trivial bugfix for the VBounce ruleset:
> __BOUNCE_FROM_DAEMON incorrectly used + instead of *, so some
> From addresses were not being recognised as bounce senders

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