Mailscanner exiting every second.

Dave Jenkins davejenx at
Mon Jun 9 14:48:21 IST 2008

2008/6/6 Pedro Bordin Hoffmann - [M]orpheus <pedro.hoffmann at>:
> I'm having this error on a Debian Etch 64 bits.
> Jun 6 17:19:35 observi_2008 MailScanner: Process did not exit cleanly,
> returned 1 with signal 0

I had exactly the same error, also on a 64-bit machine (CentOS 5, AMD
Phenom 9550) - see this thread:

If your symptoms match mine - see the detailed description in that
thread- then the same workaround might get you going again: I
temporarily disabled scanning (Scan Messages = no in MailScanner.conf)
which cleared the queue (but of course let a load of spam through),
then re-enabled it. It seems that a particular message tripped up
MailScanner. As you'll see from that thread, the cause is currently
unresolved, I'll post back if it happens again & I catch the offending
message in the hold queue.

Good luck,


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