Whitelists Dont Appear to be Working

Johnny Stork lists at openenterprise.ca
Mon Jun 2 15:12:06 IST 2008

This is how they are listed in the Mailwatch interface? Are the 
whitlelist entries in a file? I assumed they were in the db somewhere 
since I add/manage them from mailwatch?

Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Johnny Stork wrote:
> | I am running MS 4.69.8 on Centos 5x. I  seem to be having trouble with
> | my whitelists? I seem to recall trying to address this some months back
> | and I beleive someone mentioned that my whitelists added in the
> | mailwatch interface (Lists), should not have the "@" symbol so I went
> | through and removed them all one at a time and so now they look like 
> the
> | examples below. Is this correct? Is there something else I might be
> | doing wrong?
> |
> | ifossf.org               default
> | srs.perfora.net      default
> | sungardhe.com   default
> This does not look like the samples I have seen untill now. Where is the
> first column in your rules file?
> Most rules look like:
> # This next line gives an example of how you might enable this option for
> # a frequent customer of yours.
> #From:          yourcustomer.com        yes
> # Under no circumstances should this be changed to "yes".
> FromOrTo:       default                 no
> Hugo.
> - --
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>     A: Yes.
>     >Q: Are you sure?
>     >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>     >>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
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