per domain sigs

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Jul 30 23:36:28 IST 2008

on 7-30-2008 1:50 PM Glenn Steen spake the following:
> 2008/7/30  <mailsysteam at>:
>> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 12:00 PM, Simon Jones <simonmjones at> wrote:
>>> thanks Scott,
>>> I'll try and learn rulesets :)  not a lot of info there though is there!
>> This list used to be friendly at some point. Time changes I guess If some
>> people can e bothered helping others, maybe they should refrain from reply
>> at all...
>> sorry I can't help you with te rulesets info... :-(
>> Steve
> The list is as friendly as we make it Steve.... Always was that way;-).
> Scott is one of the chaps that makes this a friendly place. One lapse
> on an issue (rulesets), that has been beat to death.... can be
> forgiven. Makes things friendlier still. Now, the info on rulesets in
> MailScanner are:
> - in the rules subdirectory (EXAMPLES file, for example:-) ... either
> /etc/MailScanner/rules or /opt/MailScanner/etc/rules (I think, I'm a
> RPM type o' guy:)
> - in the book
> - in the ML archives (one need but search!:-)
> - in the wiki, as pointed out by Scott in his followup.
> Rulesets are central to the flexibility of MailScanner, so are a very
> good thing to learn. In the stock distribution, the spam whitelist is
> implemented through a ruleset... etc etc etc:-):-)
> BTW, being fresh back from renovating/replacing my kitchen/having a
> "vacation", I'm in a very optimistic mood.... The glass is half
> full!!!:-D
> Cheers
Glad to see you back with a smile! You should be really smiling when the glass 
is completely empty (maybe the second emptying)!  ;-P

The link I gave had a beautiful example of just what the poster asked for. It 
is just much nicer to show a reference to someone else's work instead of 
adding bits to another message about the same thing over again. I guess that 
the negative complaint was because someone just fired from the hip instead of 
looking at all the wonderful examples in that link.

"Give a man a fish, and he eats once. Teach a man to fish and he can feed 
himself"  (paraphrased, because it just doesn't sound exactly right).

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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