Twin MailScanner/MW Setups?

Richard Frovarp richard.frovarp at
Wed Jul 30 14:38:20 IST 2008

Johnny Stork wrote:
> I would like to setup dual MS/MW machines for a basic round-robin dual 
> MX setup. Are there any docs/guidelines for doing this and sharing a 
> single database? Can I assume its a simple as setting them both up and 
> just using the same DB?
Yeah, just point them at the same DB. You may want to investigate doing 
dual MX records instead. Put them at the same weight, and the traffic 
will balance out quite nicely. This gives you the ability to take one 
down to work on it, while the other one handles the traffic without 
having to muck with DNS. It also helps when one unexpected decides to go 


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