New Trojan

Paul Hutchings paul.hutchings at
Thu Jul 24 16:06:50 IST 2008

It's been morphing quite a lot.  We noticed it coming in yesterday, the Trend on our Exchange ignored it as did Clam on MailScanner, various other engines did find it, each giving it a different name, and it's been a similar pattern for the last day or so with it morphing.

It's been an interesting experience for me actually as one of our renewals is up in a month or two and seeing the response times of various vendors has been an education.



Paul Hutchings
Network Administrator, MIRA Ltd.
Tel: 44 (0)24 7635 5378
Fax: 44 (0)24 7635 8378
mailto:paul.hutchings at

-----Original Message-----
From: mailscanner-bounces at [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] On Behalf Of Anthony Cartmell
Sent: 24 July 2008 15:59
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: Re: New Trojan

>> Not according to VirusTotal!
>>  ClamAV, Microsoft, and VBA32 are the only ones which dtect my sample.
> OK, it may have morphed, but Sophos has been detecting something in the  
> UPS invoice zip files, which clamav didn't since the weekend.

It seems to be morphing quite a bit, and clamav has had several more  
updates: I'm seeing 7814 at the mo.

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