What is the best way to collect SPAM from users?

Yashodhan Barve yashodhan.barve at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 00:44:12 IST 2008

Henry Kwan wrote:
> Yashodhan Barve <yashodhan.barve <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> I was thinking of having a common mailbox in exchange to which users 
>> would move SPAM & HAM and then I would POP it and feed it to sa-learn.
>> So what is a good approach that works? and how do I automate it?
> Hi,
> What did you end up doing?
> I'm trying to figure out how to do the same thing on my Exchange 2007 setup. 
> I've setup a public folder that my users can dump ham/spam into but I'm not sure
> what the next step is.  How do I enable that public folder for IMAP so I can run
> some of the scripts that everyone mentions whenever I google?  Or alternative,
> how I convert all of the .msg's into a format that sa-learn can use?
> Thanks.
The client had a Exchange 2003 setup. So I took the advice offered by 
the list members and ended up creating public folders ham/spam and the 
pull the email via imap.

You will have to enable IMAP4 for Exchnage 2007 (look in services) then 
you should be able to do the same.

I have a test exchange 2007 setup. I will try it on that and post an 
update if anything different needs to be done.


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