AW: Problems with TNEF and long filenames

Julian Field MailScanner at
Thu Jan 31 09:37:21 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Ehle, Roland wrote:
>> Ehle, Roland wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I use "Use TNEF Contents = replace" and "Deliver Unparsable TNEF =
>> no"
>>> to get rid of the winmail.dat grab from Outlook clients using Outlook
>>> Richtext Format.
>>> It was brought to my attention, that this setting causes long
>>> filenames to be shortened: For example a file named "test datei mit
>>> sehr sehr langem dateinamen und viel bla bla.txt.txt" arrives as
>> "test
>>> datei mit.txt" at the recipients mailbox.
>>> If I leave TNEF contents untouched, the filename is not changed.
>>> The above happens when using external TNEF decoder and the internal
>>> one. Same behavior with both.
>>> Has somebody experienced the same problem? Any hints to avoid the
>>> problem, other than sending files with long filenames inside a ZIP-
>> file?
>> Do you mean a ZIP file or a TNEF file?
> The problem is TNEF.
> Roland
Well I have found it, but I'm a bit reluctant to change it:

          $safename = $message->MakeNameSafe($_->longname, $dir);
          push @replacements, $safename;
          #print STDERR "Safe name is \"$safename\"\n";
          $message->{entity}->attach(Type => "application/octet-stream",
                                     Encoding => "base64",
                                     Disposition => "attachment",
                                     Filename => $safename,
                                     Path => $filename);

Putting a dangerous filename back in the e-mail is a bit dodgy from a 
security point of view. But I could change
                                     Filename => $safename,
                                     Filename => $_->longname,
which should fix it.

What does anyone think?


- -- 
Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
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