Trend Micro Sues Barracuda Over Open Source Anti-Virus

Nick Phillips nwp at
Tue Jan 29 22:43:06 GMT 2008

On 30/01/2008, at 11:12 AM, Julian Field wrote:
> Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
>> * PGP Signed by an unverified key: 01/29/08 at 21:53:35
>> Julian Field wrote:
>> |
>> |
>> | Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
>> |> But in fact it does not matter what scanner you use. The way they
>> put it
>> |> any viruscanner called upon by MailScanner is a violation of the
>> patent
>> |> as well.
>> | But MailScanner is not written in the US. Remember I live in the  
>> EU,
>> | where software patents don't exist. So it doesn't violate  
>> anything, as
>> | there is nothing to violate.
>> | :-)
>> |
>> |> So if Trend Micro can get away with this then we are all up
>> |> against the legal wall as well.
>> | Oh no we're not...
>> Well You are right about you and me. But those users using  
>> MailScanner
>> in the US? They are violating the patent in question. So some of "us"
>> might be liable as well if this stinking deal goes on.
> But I thought patents affected the designers of such systems, not the
> users. They are going after Barracuda, not their customers.

That's the normal way of going after it, but they can theoretically go  
after users too -- as SCO did in the not-too-distant past.




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