Trend Micro Sues Barracuda Over Open Source Anti-Virus

DAve dave.list at
Tue Jan 29 21:30:39 GMT 2008

Julian Field wrote:
> And exactly how do Barracuda systems work anyway?

Not very well.

(Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

> Julian Field wrote:
>> * PGP Signed: 01/29/08 at 20:53:25
>> Having had a quick flick through the patent itself, it does not appear 
>> to apply to my design of MailScanner, as it's not a proxy server in 
>> any form.
>> But it does affect just about every other system on the planet. This 
>> really should never have been allowed as a patent. Fortunately the EU 
>> doesn't have software patents, so they couldn't come after me even if 
>> they wanted to, or could :-)
>> These guys really are low-life pond weed.
>> #include <stdlawyerjoke.h>
>> Nigel Kendrick wrote:
>>> "Anti-virus firm Trend Micro is suing Barracuda Networks over their 
>>> use of
>>> the open source anti-virus product ClamAV. The issue is Trend Micro's 
>>> patent
>>> on 'anti-virus detection on an SMTP or FTP gateway'. Companies like 
>>> Symantec
>>> and McAfee are already paying licensing fees to Trend Micro."
>>> Just in case you missed it on Slashdot.
>>> Nigel Kendrick
>>> IT Associate
>>> Pet Doctors Ltd
>> Jules
> Jules

Google finally, after 7 years, provided a logo for
veterans. Thank you Google. What to do with my signature now?

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