use bytes bug in SA

Scott Silva ssilva at
Sat Jan 26 19:55:47 GMT 2008

on 1/25/2008 12:29 PM Ugo Bellavance spake the following:
> Steve Freegard wrote:
>> Julian Field wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Does this only affect Solaris?
>> Nope.
>>> Or has anyone produced the same behaviour on Linux, being the 
>>> "platform of choice" for many people?
>> Yes - in Ugo's case this behavior was on Linux (CentOS 3 and CentOS 4).
> Mostly CentOS 3 showed very big performance hit.
>>> Ugo Bellavance wrote:
>>>> Anyone got hit by this?
>>>> Everytime I upgrade SA, I must add 'use bytes' in SpamAssassin's 
>>>> to get decent scan time.  The speed penality is 
>>>> considerable.
>> I'd guess it could be related to:
>> Which indicates that the issue was a Perl bug in the regexp handling 
>> which was fixed in Perl 5.8.8.
> I wonder why redhat didn't backport the fix...
As to RHEL3, the fix might have come after it was in security fix only 
maintenance. Since it was only a performance issue and not a security bug, 
they won't add it.

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