Rules for Send Notices

Muellner, Walter walter.muellner at
Wed Jan 23 15:55:21 GMT 2008

Hey all,

is there really nobody that can help with my 'Send Notices' problem?
Or is this a very stupid question?


>  ----- Original Message -----
> Hey all,
> first of all i'd like to thank you for this great piece of software. We are using it 
> since a while now and never had bigger problems.
> But since the release of clamav with enabled anti-phishing features I encountered 
> a small problem with my config: Before the newer clamav releases "Send Notices" 
> was set to yes and I only got messages about viruses, dangerous content, blocked 
> attachments an so on, but then I got a notice for all mails seen as spam by 
> clamav (many, many mails a day).
> I searched the net and the list archive and tried to create a rules file for not getting 
> virus notices any more - this is the content of this rules file:
> ----------------------------------------------
> Virus:  default no
> Filename:       default yes
> Dangerous Content:      default yes
> FromOrTo:       default yes
> ----------------------------------------------
> But when I start MailScanner the following log entries show off:
> Jan  8 12:26:12 mail MailScanner[10810]: Syntax error in first field in line 2 of ruleset /etc/MailScanner/sendnotices.rules.conf
> Jan  8 12:26:12 mail MailScanner[10810]: Syntax error in first field in line 3 of ruleset /etc/MailScanner/sendnotices.rules.conf
> I also tried a few modifications but with no luck, when I just used a file like
> ----------------------------------------------
> Virus:  default no
> FromOrTo:       default yes
> ----------------------------------------------
> I still get virus notices. 
> My MailScanner version is 4.65.3 - clamav is at 0.92
> Could someone please help me with that configuration problem?
> Walter Müllner

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