OT: Web Mail Client

Richard Frovarp richard.frovarp at sendit.nodak.edu
Tue Jan 15 19:45:49 GMT 2008

Julian Field wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> OT as ever :-)
> Check out roundcube. Lots of very clever Javascript.
Anyone concerned that it is version 0.1-rc2? I know that versions don't 
necessarily mean a lot, but 0.1 is typically pre-alpha, not something 
you'd have an RC to.

There's always Horde: www.horde.org
Or Nutsmail: www.nutsmail.com
@mail isn't free, but it is cheap: www.atmail.com

We're looking at a possible replacement, as squirrlemail isn't pretty 
enough. One requirement is that it has to support IMAP as we're not 
replacing that infrastructure. Oh and to be able to scale to a very 
large number of users (usually not a performance problem, but at $1/mail 
box it would probably be cheaper to write our own every year).

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