Txt file considered as program?

Ugo Bellavance ugob at lubik.ca
Fri Jan 4 03:34:59 GMT 2008

Budi Febrianto wrote:
> Dear all,
> I see many emails quarantine in the mailscanner server because it have 
> attachment that considered as program, but the attachment actually txt 
> attachment.
> MailScanner: No programs allowed (msg-27290-704.txt)
> I already allowed txt file in both filename.rules.conf and MailScanner.conf
> in filename.rules.conf
> allow   \.txt$                  -       -
> in MailScanner.conf
> Allow Filenames = \.tmp$ \.par$ \.pce$ \.mod$ \.txt$
> I'm using MailScanner 4.65.3 in CentOS 5.

That is a filetype problem, not a filename...



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