ERROR: You must upgrade your perl IO module to at least

Martin Garcia mgarcia at
Thu Jan 3 08:06:41 GMT 2008


According to the late problems with perl-Mail-tools and perl-MIME-tools
I upgraded my server to 4.66 but im finding the below.

Could you give me some lights on it? what should be the minimum version?
where I can find an apropiate rpm? I use the latest rpmforge and centos repos.

Im using CentOS 4.6 x386

Thanks in advance

Cualquier duda o consulta estoy a su disposicion.

Atentamente / Sincerely

Consultor Linux y redes
Nettix Peru
telf: +(511)9735-4848
mailto:mgarcia at

[root at gateway es]# service MailScanner restart
Shutting down MailScanner daemons:
          MailScanner:                                      [FAILED]
          incoming postfix:                                 [  OK  ]
          outgoing postfix:                                 [  OK  ]
Waiting for MailScanner to die gracefully  dead.
Starting MailScanner daemons:
          incoming postfix:                                 [  OK  ]
          outgoing postfix:                                 [  OK  ]

**** ERROR: You must upgrade your perl IO module to at least
**** ERROR: version 1.2301 or MailScanner will not work!

                                                            [  OK  ]

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